About 7 months ago I finally started working again after that nice long vacation. I joined Riverbed Technology Inc, a San Francisco networking startup, as a software developer. At that time I didn't have any idea of how things would work out, but now I can definitely say that I love my job. Every day has been a great adventure (ok, so maybe I'm going a *little* overboard) filled with learning all sorts of new stuff and having a chance to work with really bright people. What more could you ask for? Well, I guess at times you can get pissed off at people, and feel like shooting them. I actually had a chance to do this on my 2nd day on the job. I joined Thursday and we went on an engineering paintball trip on Friday. Even though I only knew a few names and faces, I had a chance to bruise (and be bruised by) many more. Here are a couple of pictures from that outing.