Above: prep work. First our guide Igg climbs up about 15 meters and attaches a hook there, at the top of our beginner's climbing area. Igg goes up without much in terms of safety measures (the daily risk of climbing instructor's job, I suppose), but descends with the rope already in place, so Puneet can help him rapel down. Derek (sorry if the name is misspelled) is the first in our group of three to attempt a climb, while Daria belays him, for the first time ever holding someone else's life in her hands. Later, Puneet learns how to tie the safety knot on his rope and prepares to ascend. Below: Puneet's first climb.
Below: it's Daria's turn now: climbing, then rapelling.
What you see above was not the end of the story, we went for a couple more climbs in different areas of the cliff, as assorted pictures below confirm. I (Daria) managed to get to the top of the climb twice, out of three attempts, and I'd love to contribute the success to my skill or at least determination, but pure luck has more of a true ring to it. There's a magnificent view of Tonsai Bay from up there!