Yale -- Kickin' it Old School Style (08/19/03)
Last updated 9/26/03
To get from
Long Island to Rhode Island, we took a ferry between NY and Conneticut
and stopped to marvel at the beautiful Yale campus in New Haven. Below
are several pictures from our fun ferry experience (it was the first
time that Daria had taken a ferry in this country, though she had been
on fairly large ones in Finland while she went to school there...). As
you can see from the pictures, Yale has magnificent gothic style
architecture, and looks, well... like the old ivy-league campus that it
is. Daria admitted that the Yale campus was the most beautiful campus
she had seen in this country... sorry Berkeley, you come in second
place behind this ancient marvel. The town of New Haven also has that
sleepy college-town feel to it... I certainly wouldn't object to moving
to the area, though I'm sure it's probably pretty brutal during the
winter. Anyhow, no more words, just look at the pictures.
On the ferry from Port Jefferson, NY to Bridgeport, CT
Below are pictures from the Yale campus